welcome to my little piece of the world, I hope you enjoy your visit and come back again soon.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My little Rock town.

I painted these on rocks that I found down the creek. I have made a little town with houses, school, church,,farm houses etc. This is my little church,I named it New Hope and it has one little gravestone,it use to have quiet a few but they have slowly disappeared over the years.
this is my school,every town needs a school.

a view of some of the town.
other houses. This is Glennrock where everything is green and happy with lots of animals that room around without a care in the world..O what a life..

Here are the rest. I'm in the middle of painting a craft store and a hotel and a few other little shops to go in my town. I love painting little houses they are such fun and painting on rocks can be a challenge to find a rock and make up a pattern for the house you want to create.Hope you enjoy looking ...
cheers Glenda xoxoxox

Friday, September 12, 2008

Roesys day out..

Rose has gone away for a couple of weeks to get married so she can have a baby==piglet== Its a very exciting time for me as I will become a Nana to my Rosey babies. Just look at that face;; O WHY ME She likes her new hubby. We are building a new pen for her for when she comes home, we have to add a special light so the babies will stay warm all the time.

Here is Roesy new man,he is a prize pig and has won many blue ribbons for hie beauty,, ya honest he is a very handsome pig in the pig world. He has many little piglet running around. Yes quiet a catch!

Here she is with her pumpkin I took down to her for a treat.

This is Roesy first day out from her pen. We let her run around the back paddock where she headed straight down to see Tiny or little horse.

Here they are sharing in a feed from Glenn,I think Roesy is getting the most.

O what a day she had and she came back and sleeped right through the night just like a good girl.We took her out for a few days before she went down to the other farm to find her man.I miss her so much and I cant believe how quiet it is without her running around the back yard.She should be home soon and hopefully pregnant and than the fun will start.I will let you know every step so you dont miss anything.
I want to say hello to a little special friend of mine, her name is India.Hello sweet hope you are well.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Spring everyone,now is the time for all new things to come,,all the new baby animals and the new flowers that will start to bloom, the beautiful warm days,the warming sun,the birds singing, the bees buzzing its a great season to be in. Enjoy.Don't forget the footy finals..

have a great 1st of Spring and hope you all get some lovely flowers from someone you love.
till next time love ya
Glenda xoxoxoxoxox