welcome to my little piece of the world, I hope you enjoy your visit and come back again soon.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mines at Werris Creek.,
What a sight. This is what is happening to our town because of the mines.It has to happen and gives so many people jobs.,
I am not against the mine but it has taken a big piece of of country, and I am so amazed by all the colours from the dirt they have dug up so far,.Every colour from red,brown,white. orange,gray you name it it is there.,The colours are really beautiful considering its dirt.,

look at the size of it.



Driving down the road and it hits you like a bag of sh#@#@
Look at the size of the trucks and tractors and the diggers that they are using to dig it up,.


On top of this hill is a truck working,.


it is sooooooooooooooooo big and it will get bigger as they dig for more coal,. They have to so there is no point complaining about,.hay

Here some photos of around my back yard, just bits and pieces hanging and laying around., Hope you like,.

I love this old chair, the birds love it too,

some of my jugs 
old set of ploughs
round bail of hay
sorry its taken so long to blog, so many things going on like my computer got a bug and had to go to the shop it cost me $316 to fix it so I have told her that if she get another bug she will be living with the chooks,.We also have been watching my brother and sisters kids cause it school holidays and they all want to come up and hang out on the farm, My sister, hubby and 2 kids are moving up here so they call in here as they pass by but the visits are getting longer and longer., It is driving me crazy just too many people that's why I moved to the bush but everyone is growing up and want to come to,.lol
O well enough complaining hope you enjoying reading or laughing,.
Good night and don't let the bedbugs bite and until next take care and love yah's all., thanks for coming.,love from Glenda,.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo


Terrielee said...

Hi (again)!
Your website is positively *gorgeous*! I love the colors & the flowers - cool widgets too!
Then there are your photos... They are awesome! I like your chair too!
Sorry about the mining :( ... I always wonder how many little critters lose their homes as the big equipment rolls in... :(
I'm also curious... What kind of gourds did you grow? I didn't plant any this summer but have a determined egg gourd plant that is growing like crazy in my flower bed! I didn't yank it because the egg gourds are so cute!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Better get back to work on Tweedle Dee & Dum!
Take good care!
:) ... Tlee

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Glenda it does not good to complain.
They do that here, they dig for sand and leave big pits of nothing!
Its sad but what can we do!

YES YES YES you and Miss Dolly are always welcomed to come play at my house.
I sure could use all the help I can get!
Packing, moving, unpacking yikes does it ever end! :-)

Miss ya bunches, XO

Give Dolly hugz from me

rachel. said...


First off, I love your baby sheep. So cute with its little hooves! Ahhh, adorable! My friend just went to Sydney so this is awesome! :D I thought since you used 'ya'll' you were from Texas. No lie! Keep it up!


m.b. said...

Beautiful photographs.

Looks so peaceful.

Such a wonderful blog. Really enjoyed it, I did.

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