welcome to my little piece of the world, I hope you enjoy your visit and come back again soon.

Friday, November 11, 2011

I have been painting;
and if you stand there too long I might paint you.
these are my green windows and I hate green so after 5 years of looking at them I had to do something.
All of the house trims were green,.

I then painted them light blue, which I really liked,but that didn't last long.

 Now they are this pretty soft mauve, and I love it so I did all the windows and even the front door, which is now pink and mauve,.

 This is my table and chairs that stay out the front. They use to be brown and as all my blogy friends  know that I hate brown more than any other colour.They are now pink and purple and I love 'em.I even painted the cane chair I found.,

 my cat helping out.,

 Can you see my front door.

 Then I moved inside with my paintbrush, This is my humble white fridge,now it is white,

 and now it is pink.

 don't you just love it, I do and it goes with my pink kitchen, Its awesome.,
not sure what else to paint yet, but I am sure I will find something to paint on.,
thanks for coming and I hope you like what u see,. luv ya all,.,.,.,.,.Glenda,.,.xxxxx


m.b. said...

Oh my goodness, your house is adorably sweet!

Looks like you're having a blast with the painting. Definitely going to paint my bed orange now (long planned project, just needs to get done) and think of you as I do so.

Oh the whimsy!

Cynthia L. H. said...

Wow! You have been very busy ~~ love the results. So fun. ;^) I really love the pink fridge!

Lucine said...

You have a cute house. Love the colour combinationsQ
Lucine @ swapbot: Love Comment Blog ♥ (6)