welcome to my little piece of the world, I hope you enjoy your visit and come back again soon.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

 Pretty new Flowers.,.,.,
Isn't it always the way I needed a flower and didn't have the colour I wanted.
After looking everywhere in my box of flowers and going mad in the mean time I had a brainwave of an idea.
Here are my plain white flowers, I have heaps of them, I bought a huge bag of them at a garage sale a long time ago.,

I got together some of my fabric dyes, some little cups,and my flowers, and away I went. Dipping here and dipping there until all my flowers were now coloured.

And here they are, all such pretty colours. Blues, pinks, reds, greens, purples and mauve's. Don't they look great.Left to dry overnight,.,.
More flowers.

Check these out how great do they look, I am so happy with the way they look and I now have heaps of pretty colours to play with, yahhhhhhhh.
Don't you just love them! Also I saved myself some money for more craft stuff. yahhhhhhhhhh

I have joined a couple link parties so don't forget to take a look at all the awesome blogs around,The addresses are at the top of my blog.....

Hope you like my flowers and until next time thanks for coming,.
Goodnight and God Bless
luv you all Glenda. xoxoxoxox


Covnitkepr1 said...

I write and maintain a spiritual blog which I have titled “AccordingtotheBook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.

Cherie {Elliemae Ink} said...

I want to come over and play pretty crafts with you!!
Just love that you couldn't find the color you wanted, so you looked around and made them the color you wanted!!

Courtney said...

That looks like so much fun! The process is colorful, messy and beautiful all at the same time! I'd love to see more of your crafts!
CourtneyBruesch from Swap-Bot